Code of Conduct

The general welfare of our lodge depends on the conduct of each individual; this ensures our success and provides the maximum benefit to everyone. As an Arrowman, I understand this and support the reasonable demands of conduct expected of me.

I understand the Lodge Leadership is responsible for supervision with respect to maintaining discipline and security; and for enforcing this Code of Conduct.

As a member of Lenape Lodge, I will:

  1. Do my best to live up the Scout Oath and Scout Law, and hold others in Scouting accountable to those standards.
  2. Follow all youth protection guidelines to ensure the safety of all youth. 
  3. Be in full Scout uniform at required events, unless directed. Participants may wear an OA or Scout t-shirt with their Scout shorts when allowed.
  4. Confine patch trading to free periods and designated areas.
  5. Prohibit the sale of items at the event. I understand that the official trading post is the only source for sale/purchase of memorabilia and materials at the event.
  6. Observe quiet hours and lights out from 11 PM to 6:00 AM. 
  7. Not purchase, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or e cigarettes, marijuana products, or illegal drugs while at an OA event.
  8. Comply with federal, state and city laws, including those that prohibit the use of fireworks, firearms, and gambling.
  9. Use social media apps appropriately and in accordance with the Scout Oath and Law while at lodge events. 
  10. Not use abusive or profane language. Profanity, put downs, or verbal taunting will not be tolerated. 
  11. Be personally responsible for the breakage, damage, or loss of property. 
  12. Use the buddy system at all times during Lodge events. 
  13. Report any suspicious or criminal activity to the nearest trusted adults. 
  14. While at Lodge Events, participate with the lodge in the events happening that day.
  15. Keep my camping area clean and free of trash and litter. 
  16. Transport scouts and adults following all YPT guidelines and follow all safe driving practices. 
  17. Respect and abide by the Rules and Regulations of Scouting America relating to Unauthorized Fundraising Activities, Advocacy on political issues, bullying, hazing, teasing, harassment, and unlawful discrimination of any kind. 
  18. Report any medications I take to the Medical Officer on duty and only take them at prescribed times. 
  19. Check in and check out at the beginning and end of each event with the membership committee and lodge leadership whenever I enter and before I leave.

I understand that if I do not abide by these codes of conduct, appropriate action will be taken by Lodge leadership including but not limited to contacting my parent/guardian, dismissal from the current Lodge event, and/or suspension from future Lodge events.